Your hauling duties don't stop when winter arrives. When it comes to snow and other winter weather conditions, you need to take some proactive steps to ensure safe and successful hauling trips. Consider following some helpful safety strategies for hauling your trailer through the snow. 

Here are a few tips for hauling your trailer in the snowy weather! 

Use the Right Tires

Your tires are the direct point of contact between your trailer and the ground. With that said, it's important to install quality snow tires, prepared to handle the slick conditions of the snow and ice. Make sure your trailer and your tow vehicle are both equipped with the right tires. And if for some reason installing winter tires is not an option, make sure to use chains on your tow vehicle and trailer!

Carry an Emergency Kit

Having an emergency kit in your trailer is always a good idea, but it can be even more important during the winter and cold temperatures. When packing your kit, try to include flares, extra water, first aid items, additional warm clothes, tire traction mats, and ice scrapers. If you ever need to use it, you will be readily prepared and well-stocked on supplies! 

Conduct a Pre-Trip Inspection

It's important to inspect your tow vehicle and trailer every so often to ensure they are ready to make the trip. Consider points like whether all the trailer tires are inflated to the right air pressure and have enough tread, as well as the status of the brake lights. Be on the lookout for any red flags that could lead to problems on the road before you head out in your trailer! 

Now that you’re prepared to take on the rain, sleet, and snow, it's time to hit the road! Purchase your trailer at Connecticut Trailers & Powersports, located in Bolton, Connecticut. We also proudly serve Hartford County, CT, Springfield, MA, and surrounding areas.