If you have recently purchased a golf cart and want to know about servicing it, our guide can help. As your local powersports vehicles dealership, we at Connecticut Trailers are well-versed in golf cart maintenance. Our experts have gathered a few strategies to help you keep your machine in tip-top shape.

Keep reading this guide to learn more, and if you have more questions, get them addressed by our service experts.

Seasonal Maintenance

It’s essential to maintain a golf cart according to the season. This helps keep your machine safe and functioning smoothly.

Winterizing Your Golf Cart

If you intend not to use your golf cart during winter, store it properly toward the end of the fall season. This means you should clean up your battery, charge it to full power, and adjust the air pressure in your tires to prevent them from enduring unnecessary strain. More importantly, cover your model with a suitable covering and protect it from pest infestations.

De-Winterizing Your Golf Cart

Towards the end of the cold season, you want to de-winterize your golf cart by bringing it out of storage. But before you head to the fairways, re-adjust your tire pressure to ready them for your outing and inspect the undercarriage and suspension to be sure they are in good condition. You will also want to examine your electrical and braking systems and replace your battery if needed.

Yearly Maintenance

Yearly maintenance checks on your golf cart can help extend its lifespan and restore its shine and performance. Be sure you bring your model in for professional service every 12 months and let the experts spot any hidden issues and fix them.

If you need more maintenance advice or want our experts to service your model before your next outing, visit Connecticut Trailers. You will find us in Bolton, CT, happily welcoming our patrons from Hartford County, CT, and Springfield, MA. Swing by today for a friendly chat with our team.